Can I Get Avocado For Health?

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Healthy or not the food we eat all depends on us. Making changes, especially in what you eat, is one of the easiest ways to manage and control health. In addition to providing the energy required, the food you consume each day also plays an important role in preventing various diseases.

There are many healthy foods that you can easily get in nature.

Do not misinterpret the fat contained in avocado fruit. Avocado fat included in the monounsaturated fat group so it will not make your belly fat. Avocados can actually lower cholesterol. The researchers found that replacing only 5 percent of calories from saturated fat (butter or cheese) with monounsaturated fats (avocados) can cut risk of heart attack more than a third. Other additional benefits, avocados are also high in beta-sitosterol, plant sterols inhibit cholesterol absorption from food, acting as an anticancer compound (glutatin) and powerful antioxidants.